
7天前— ...,2021年1月20日—...Netflix.UsingthisextensionyoucanseeIMDbratingofmoviesdirectlyonNetflix.SupportedRatings:1.IMDb(alongwithvotecount)2.,ViewIMDBratingsonNetflix.ViewIMDB,RottenTomatoesandMetacritic...AddTrimtoChrome.ShowIMDBandRottenTomatoesratings.TrimshowsIMDBand ....


7 天前 — Chrome Web Store. Trim: IMDB Ratings on Netflix and Prime Video. offered by To download to your desktop sign into Chrome and enable ...

IMDb ratings on Netflix

2021年1月20日 — ... Netflix. Using this extension you can see IMDb rating of movies directly on Netflix. Supported Ratings: 1. IMDb (along with vote count) 2.

Trim shows IMDB ratings on Netflix and other streaming services

View IMDB ratings on Netflix. View IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ... Add Trim to Chrome. Show IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes ratings. Trim shows IMDB and ...


2022年12月28日 — This Chrome extension display IMDb ratings in Netflix title cards while you are browsing movies. Using third party API to get movie details.

Display IMDB Rating in Netflix on Android and Google ...

I found Trim: IMDB Ratings chrome extension useful for this scenario. This extension fetches IMDb and Rotten Tomato ratings and shows them over Netflix titles.


6 天前 — Trim: IMDB Ratings on Netflix and Prime Video for Google Chrome · View the Ratings for Shows on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, and ...

在Netflix 上插入IMDb、爛番茄評分,避免被吸睛劇照片名迷惑

2020年9月25日 — (例如 Google Play 上的電影就會有爛番茄的評分)。 我們可以在Google Chrome 瀏覽器,或是Firefox 瀏覽器上,安裝這款 ...

I found a Netflix extension that adds IMDb, Rotten ...

2022年10月12日 — I found a Netflix extension that adds IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic ratings on Netflix ... Open. Upvote 25. Downvote 5 ...


Brings IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings on Netflix. Once installed from the Chrome Web Store, it automatically ads both the platform's ratings to most of ...


2020年10月1日 — 發現一個Chrome、Friefox瀏覽器外掛套件,很適合想在Netflix上精選電影、節目觀看的使用者,簡單來說,他可以在絕大多數Netflix影片介紹介面上,插入 ...